Friday, 29 April 2011

Still on the Time theme, written yesterday. Anyone else got one?

                               Being empty

on sun days and other

cast offs by holy obligation

I am at liberty to invent

my memory.

             That couple with baby

shaded in her pram,

      how the father holds the

         mother’s hand:

It is me who is loved,

                      their path is my past

  endowed with memory of her

   tired face, the way

she sits, silent in dawn


her cantankerous one

   and how he sees her in

       that beginning light

sees his own time in her


         watches, aches.


  1. Has this got a title ?
    I liked the shape- a sort of provisional uncertainty reflected through structure.
    "Invent my memory" is very interesting and i liked the movement of the poem towards the couple after the first 5 lines. "It is me who is loved" seems pivotal,an important hinge to the whole poem.It is almost in the middle of the poem and it seems like the main call of the writing.
    The last 2 "hers"- is the father referring to child or mother ? (sorry)
    Reminds me a little of the structure of some of Lawrence Ferlinghetti's poems.

  2. Thanks for the feedback - really valuable. Your approach is great.

    Title functions as the first line.
    I will look again at the end bit though I knew it was ambiguous and thought that right. Three people enveloped in this intensity of love and the demands of a newborn, and an outsider transferring the feelings onto her own invented past. That's what I was at.

    I will also look up Ferlinghetti, don't think I know him.

    Love your photo - was it taken this weekend?
